Over 3 In 5 Indian Professionals Will Spend More Time On Online Learning, Says LinkedIn Survey

The survey, which covered 2,323 respondents, found that remote working, a shrinking job market, the need for upskilling and to stay mindful through these challenging times

More than 3 in 5 Indian professionals (63%) will increase their time spent on online learning, as a response to a cut-throat job market, according to professional network LinkedIn’s third Workforce Confidence Index survey.

The survey, which covered 2,323 respondents, found that remote working, a shrinking job market, the need for upskilling and to stay mindful through these challenging times are some of the reasons for professionals spending extra time on online learning.

According to the survey, 60% of Indian professionals want to gain more industry knowledge, 57% want to learn how they can advance in their careers, 45% want to better their communication capabilities through online learning, and 43% want to learn better time management, stay organised, and prioritise better.

Findings of the survey further show that it is not always about professional learning as 40% of Indians say they want to learn something interesting and unrelated to their line of work, while 30% wish to improve their emotional well-being.

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“Our LinkedIn Learning data also shows that time spent in viewing LinkedIn Learning content by Indian professionals has jumped up by 176% in the past two months, and ‘remote work foundations’ and ‘strategic thinking’ are some of the top courses they are looking at,” said Ruchee Anand, Director of LinkedIn Talent and Learning Solutions, India. “We have also made more than 275 LinkedIn Learning courses free globally to help members develop transferable skills, become resilient, and adapt to the changing business landscape with ease.”

The company said that the top five courses viewed in April were ‘Time Management: Working From Home’, ‘The Six Morning Habits of High Performers’, ‘Remote Work Foundations’, ‘Tips for Working Remotely’ and ‘Strategic Thinking’.

LinkedIn also compared the consumption rates of courses between March and April, and findings show that ‘Writing a Resume’, ‘Managing Stress for Positive Change’, and ‘Interpersonal communication’ were among courses that saw the sharpest increase in views in April compared to March.

Source: ET Tech

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