40% Professionals Expect Increase In New Jobs In 2021: Linkedin Survey

About 40 per cent Indian professionals expect an increase in the number of new jobs, up from 19 per cent in April, and 53 per cent expect their companies to do better in 2021, a LinkedIn survey has found.

As per the LinkedIn year-end data, despite experiencing radical changes in the way people work, India has remained optimistic and resilient in uncertainty and confidence scores remained steady between +50 and +57 from April to November.

The optimism comes at a time when India’s economy is opening up, and the hiring rate continues to recover back to pre-COVID levels with a 46 per cent y-o-y growth as of October.

As per the platform, online learning and digital skills took centre-stage in 2020. The average monthly learning hours on LinkedIn Learning increased 3X from April to December 2020, compared to pre-Covid months of January and February, says the LinkedIn data.

Source: Business Today

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