Modi will launch the Atma Nirbhar Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Abhiyan, being undertaken as part of the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan that the Prime Minister started on June 20 for 116 districts in six states in the country, virtually.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Friday launch a 125-day campaign to provide employment to migrant workers and others in Uttar Pradesh, who lost their jobs during coronavirus pandemic, under various central and state government schemes.
Modi will launch the Atma Nirbhar Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Abhiyan, being undertaken as part of the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan that the Prime Minister started on June 20 for 116 districts in six states in the country, virtually.
The Prime Minister will also interact with villagers from six districts of Uttar Pradesh at the virtual launch on Friday morning.
Villages across all districts of the state will join the event through Common Service Centres and Krishi Vigyan Kendras.
Here’s all about the job scheme in UP:
* A slogan Rojgar ka naya abhiyan, har shramik ko kaam’ (A new campaign for employment, jobs for all workers) has been given to the Garib Kalyan scheme in Uttar Pradesh that has seen the arrival of over 30 lakh migrant labourers following the recent lockdown in the country.
* The Atmanirbhar UP Rojgar Abhiyan is focused on providing jobs, promoting local entrepreneurship and creating partnerships with industrial associations and other organisations to create employment opportunities.
Source: Hindustan Times